Monday, 17 April 2023

Written Synopsis

 Written Synopsis.

Section 1: Content.

1. Describe the events in your film. 

My film is about a murderer mystery. It first takes place in a forest. During the beginning we start to see the lead character and side character in the story. This is because they are chasing after a prisoner who has just escaped from prison. During this scene the 2 detectives spilt up and search for the criminal. However something happens. One of the detectives gets cursed by another antagonist and therefore the detective obeys the creature. Dramatic irony takes place. This is so then it creates suspense in the film. During the rest of the film, the lead detective finds out that his partner is committing all of these crimes. The film is left on a cliff hanger for the sequel to commence. 
2. Describe each key character using the angles of articles approach.
Key characters:
The lead detective - The lead detective is the one who is trying to find out what is happening to his city and tries to figure out what the hardest criminal ever. He is essential in this film as he is trying to find out who is committing all of these crimes and trying to keep his city safe.
The side detective - The side detective is the one who gets mind controlled. This means that she is the one who is doing all the crimes and is submitting to the creatures command. 
The creature - The creature is the one who is causing all the trouble and is making the side detective to-do her bidding. She is not caught but there is a mystery behind her. That is trying to find out why she is doing this and for how long.

Section 2: Narrative.

Todorov's Narrative.

1. Equilibrium 
This starts at the very beginning of the film. This is where the detectives are preparing for the manhunt of a criminal that has escaped from prison. 

2. Disruption 
The equilibrium is disrupted when the antagonist is being mind controlled by the mysterious creature and commands her to do her bidding. 

3. Recognition
This is when there is numerous amounts of crimes scenes that took place and when it comes to the latest one, the lead detective finds out that his partner is the one responsible for the crimes. 

4. Repair
The lead detective starts to plan a strategy to start to catch his partner and start to gather evidence based on her. Eventually it ends with the protagonist and the antagonist having a large fight and once the fight ends the antagonist manages to take over and she is then sent to a hospital to get examined. However the creature is still not to be found. 

5. New Equilibrium
Once the antagonist is back to normal she is instructed to take time off. Once that happens she goes and sees the lead detective. However the lead detective cannot believed what has happened and decides to get a new partner. 

Linear and Non-Linear Structure 

Our thriller film is composed of both linear and non-linear structure. This is due to having flashbacks of what the detectives have both been through and also when the detective starts to realise who is responses for the crimes. It however continues in a linear structure and therefore it brings the thriller together. 

Narrative Devices

One narrative device we will be using is a flashback. This will happen continuously throughout the thriller and therefore it will bring the entire movie together. 

Another narrative device we will be using is the McKee's five part structure. This structure is made up in five parts:
  1. An inciting incident - This is when the antagonist gets mind controlled.
  2. Progressive complications - This is when the detective starts to act differently from the lead detective.
  3. Crisis - This is when the detective is committing crimes and murders.
  4. Climax - This is where fight scene commences.
  5. Resolution - This is when the antagonist takes back control and therefore the lead detective finds a new partner.
Another narrative device we will be using is poetic justice. This is when the lead detective is awarded for his service and finds a new partner. Also then ending has the side detective is being treated in a hospital and pay for her crimes.  

Section 3: Genre.

Identify 3 thriller conventions, a sub-genre and how it will fit in. Give evidence. Identify 3 thriller themes and explain how your thriller will use them

One thriller convention that will be used is music. This will be used continuously throughout the film to create tension and also create suspense. Another thriller convention that will be used is violence. Throughout this film there will be a variety of fighting and action scenes to engage the audience and keep it interesting. There will also be a variety of weapons that will be used such as guns. Finally another convention that will be used is the element of props. This includes blood. This is because it will help connote the film and therefore bring the ingredients of horror and action continuously throughout the film.  

One subgenre in our film will be mystery thriller. This will be presented through the detective trying to figure out who is behind the murders and other crimes in the film. The music and shots (long and short) will be used. This will help with building upon the subgenre in the thriller. 

The thriller themes in the film will be composed with the following:
  • Violence - In this thriller there will be elements of violence especially towards the end. This is because the detective is going to be fighting the other detective who's still mind controlled. This will bring some shock to the audience and also help bring them to the edge of their seats when watching this particular scene. 
  • Crime - Crime will also be another theme that the thriller will have. This is because the whole thriller is based on finding out the murderer and also finding out who committed the crimes. 
  • Conflict - There is going to be conflict with this thriller. This is because when finding out who did the crimes, there is going to be conflict between the protagonist and antagonist. 

Section 4: Style.

In our thriller film, we will be using a variety of camera movements and shots. For example we will be using long/establishing shots. This is so then the audience can see that the detectives are searching the area for the criminal but there is the creature in the distance. Another example of camera movements we will be using is long short shots. This is because then the audience can zoom into the detectives face as she is getting mind controlled. This allows suspense to be created for the audience.   

When we are going to edit the clips we have collected we will be adding transitions and music effects. We will be using the software final cut pro. The transitions will help us as we are trying to create a fade out during the last few seconds of the film to make the audience eager to watch what is going to happen next. The music effects will also be added when we are editing. This will help thrill the audience and connote the horror thriller we are going to make.

Also in the post-production phase we will be placing music and other sound effects in the thriller film. This is so then the music and other sound effects can bring the elements of mystery and horror to live. Furthermore, this will also help "break the ice" so then the start of the film can be captivating to the audience. This will enhance the film in many ways and prevent the audience to get bored. 

When filming this film there will only be one location that will be showed at the beginning of the film. This is because we only have two minutes. This location will be taking place in a forest where the detectives are tracking down the criminal who has escaped from prison. 

Section 5: Brief interpretation.

It states in the scenario "We are looking for the first two minutes of an original, new thriller movie". This means that when we are done with the production phase we will be using the editing software we will ensure that it will not go beyond two minutes. Therefore we will be meeting the scenario that has been set. 

Thriller Chiller Film Festival also wants the film we are going to create to be "a target audience of 16-24 year olds". To ensure that we achieve this we will ensure that the characters will be around 22-24 aged. This is because the audience will be able to relate to the characters more and therefore will understand them better. For example the detectives. The detectives will be new fresh out of the academy that will be solving their first case.

Finally the scenario also states "All content produced must be original and produced by you". This means that we will be making our own content regarding the film and therefore it will ensure that we are not using other pieces of work that has been used before. For example the script and the setting. The film we are going to be making will be in a different location compared to most mystery thrillers. This allows us to ensure that we are staying original when we are making this film. 

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