Monday, 5 June 2023

Potential client questions for the opening sequence "SkinWalker"


Potential client questions for the opening sequence "SkinWalker"

  1.  How much characters will be included in the opening sequence?
  2.  What are the characters roles? i.e: Protagonist/Antagonist 
  3.  What will the characters be wearing?
  4.  Where would the opening sequence take place?
  5.  What music will you be using to engage the audience?
  6.  Will you be using other products to promote the beginning of the film?
  7.  How will this opening appeal to the target audience?
  8.  What language will be used in the film?
  9.  Will violence be used in the beginning of the film or in the film at all?
  10.  What type of camera shots will you be using?

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