Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Response to the client brief

Explanation of demographics:

The target audience would be ages 16 - 24 years. Three key elements that we would include are swearing, violence and suspense. An advantage of picking an age group of 16 - 24 years old is, we are allowed to use as much violence and visual images to engage this specific audience for the movie trailer we are going to create. Another advantage to making the movie trailer is that as we are the producers, we can understand the audience better. This means that it will allow us to make something that is more relatable to the target audience. A challenge that we may face is when approaching this audience is that it may be difficult to make them understand what we're trying to portray. This is due to the likes and dislikes of the audiences and will therefore not be attracting to everyone in that target audience. Another challenge that we are going to face when making this movie trailer is the weather This means that there would be some days we will not be able to film. This will therefore make the deadline of the project to possibly be delayed. Finally another challenge that we may face is editing. This is because we might have the correct software to edit the movie trailer. 


The thriller conventions we will include into our work are enigma, plot twists and many different aspects which would be made up of sub-genres that would be created. One way the conventions will be met will be revealed near the end of the movie trailer to keep the audience on the edge. This will allow more excitement in the trailer and will draw more audiences to watch it.

Industry requirements:

The institutions our thriller film will be produced by is 21st century fox and Lionsgate. Some regulatory issues that we will consider and use when creating the movie trailer is ASA, Ofcom and BBFC. We will use these regulatory issues in the UK as a baseline for what we know what to include and which is not allowed in the UK. This will also allow us to see what we need to get permission from and who.  Some institutional information that the text must include is the age rating. This is because this will show the target audience of the film and also tell customers that if they are below the age of that certain age rating, they will need to be accompanied by an adult. 


The medium we would be working in is the film industry. The type of text we are producing within that medium is a trailer. The type of genre that would fit into the trailer the best is a thriller.

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